Neck Pain
Neck pain can be debilitating and very restricting with all activities. In most instances changing your posture or simple home treatments will aid your recovery within a few weeks.Simple steps you can take to help with neck pain:
- Make sure your desk-based assessment is up to date for your current situation. If you have pain you may need to change the way you are sitting or working at your desk space.
- Make sure you’re not looking downwards with your work. Is your screen raised to the correct height? Are you looking down to write or draw at your desk?
- Try using some ice or heat over your neck, making sure you do not place directly on to skin and leave for no longer than 15 minutes at a time.
- Change your position regularly. You should move from your desk every 20 minutes.
- Make sure your chair is fully supporting your back up to your shoulders. Sometimes people find a chair with a head rest more comfortable when they have pain.
- Try these simple exercises below.
ErgonomicFix has carried out extensive ergonomic assessments for a multitude of job roles from cleaners to company executives and has a proven track record
Customers have compared us to competitors and expressed how thorough our reports are in comparison. As well as providing a comprehensive work space assessment we are also able to provide a basic self assessment tool. This can be bulk bought by larger companies and will allow employees to generate a basic individual work space set up.